Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Recently Cozy had been quite paranoid of virus. Everywhere she went too and touch outside, it seems like there are germs around.

However due to the coronavirus, not only Cozy was scared. When she shopped online – Lazada redmart, Fairprice, Guardian online, Watson online, Qoo10. All Dettol instant hand sanitizer are out of stocks. At this moment, instant hand sanitizer or spray cannot be found in retail shop too or you can find those quite expensive one as stated in asiaone article.

Does hand sanitizer works actually? “The best way is actually to wash your hands with soap and water”, said Dr Kalisvar Marimuthu, senior infectious disease consultant at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID).


But when you are outside of the cozy home, you won’t be able to wash your hand everytime you touch a surface. So online there have been people teaching you how to do homemade hand sanitizer which has more than 70% alcohol if not 40% alcohol using Vodka


Essential oil disclaimer: This recipe uses what are generally considered safe essential oils, but please keep in mind that while completely natural, all essential oils are powerful plant compounds that you and your family (including your pets) might have a reaction to. Never use essential oils undiluted or take essential oils internally (diluted or undiluted) without the guidance of a professional, and always read up about the possible side effects of each type of oil before you use it. Avoid the use of essential oils (diluted or undiluted) during the first trimester of pregnancy, on small babies, and on anyone with severe allergies to the plants the oils are derived from. And if you see any reactions in yourself, your family, or your pets, stop use of your essential oil products immediately and contact a medical professional.


Updated post: Just as it was published. Asiaone also published another version https://www.asiaone.com/lifestyle/make-your-own-diy-hand-sanitizer

4 years ago